More user-friendly way of adding foods, please!
If users want to simply look up an item, they need to click on a meal and "add" to look it up, to then just not add it.
We should be able to (+) ADD FOOD from the button to add or lookup foods.
I've scanned barcodes to not have them show up, so I create; but on the screen then it asks to scan the barcode again. This shouldn't happen.
Then where it asks to input the nutrients, why have two separate screens? As I input fats, I should be able to add saturated fats, for example. It takes 5 separate screens to get through the process - why not just 1-2 screens?
So here the suggestion would be to have these all on the same screen, with "add more" below to add vitamins etc.
Comments: 4
16 Jun, '21
tldev MergedHi, what about giving the choice to merge groceries for the given time, keeping the portions we just added for the day or week. The actual system takes a LOT of time to use.
18 Jun, '21
Felix Kern Admin"Merge groceries for given time" (suggested by tldev on 2021-06-16), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
29 Aug, '21
Henry SmithAlso, please allow for a complete list of nutrients to be added. Maybe the item I have is fortified with a certain vitamin, but that vitamin isn't listed as an entry I can make. WOuld it not be easier (and more accurate for nutrient counting) to have them all listed.
23 Jan, '23
Felix Kern Admin"Scan meals" (suggested by Eva on 2023-01-09), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.