Analysis: Combine different diagrams to a single one
There is an option to view your minerals intake under the analysis but only one at a time. In summer however, when you do a lot of sports and sweat a lot it's difficult to keep track of them, especially the vital ones that keep your heart-beat under control.
An overview of all the important electrolytes like potassium, zinc & magnesium on a single diagram would be a great feature.
Comments: 2
06 Jan, '23
Dario MergedAn extra tab in analysis section I’d like to see is the actual weight loss/gain as line graph vs the calorie deficit/surplus as histogram graph There’s also other analysis that I’d like to see in the app, but maybe they could be very nerdy and useful only by a number addicted as myself
23 Jan, '23
Felix Kern Admin"Analysis: weight loss/gain vs calorie deficit/surplus" (suggested by Dario on 2023-01-06), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.