Further improve verified Foods
It’d be nice to be able to see which foods have been verified. I know that you currently have the green checkbox next to some that are verified, but I think that’s way more useful than you know. If I search something generic like "Cookies and Cream Quest Bar", I may get 5 or 6 results. They’re all different. I don’t know which one I should be selecting. But if I saw one that had a green checkmark, I’d be able to know that it was reviewed for accuracy, add it quickly, and move on. I wouldn’t need to look through them all and try and figure out which seems most accurate.
Comments: 11
21 Jan, '19
Ali Sexton MergedBe able to block any food we know has been added incorrectly so we dont have to search through so many 'bad' entries to get to a good one. This would also assist people who dont want to see certain products like brands from other countries.
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27 Jan, '19
Admin"Block public entries from personal view of food database" (suggested by Ali Sexton on 2019-01-21), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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30 Jan, '19
Andres SerraApart from green checkbox, I think they should use the thumbs up/down to set a score for each food. This way, a percentage could appear next to each one, indicating the reliability of the information.
In addition they would have a logical order to know what foods add as verified to their database and which ones must be deleted. -
05 Feb, '19
Bartłomiej LeśBlocking any food we know that is incorrect. The db becomes messy and there is no easy way to find out the correct food.
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30 Apr, '19
MarinaThe food search tool needs to be more expansive and the search function more user friendly.
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27 Nov, '19
Jola pTak.ja też podpinam się pod to wszystko.mnie osobiście brakuje jeszcze możliwości do wyboru opcji typu PLASTER lub SZTUKA.skanując kod lub wprowadzając nie ma tej możliwość wyboru .więc notorucznie odważam i przeliczam przeliczam.
pozdrawiam serdecznie -
17 Mar, '21
Adam MEven the green checkmarks are often wrong. There needs to be a better way to correct the database entries and remove duplicates.
29 Jun, '21
Pavel MergedNutrition Facts is a perfect app, where you can find all necessary information about most of the products. I would suggest to sync your apps so that users could upload correct info directly from nutrition facts if they want. That would save a lot of time and give better understanding of their eating habits for the most users. If synchronization is not possible, then you could create your own standard list of most popular product with exhaustive information on nutrition.
14 Sep, '21
Henry MergedProvide a means for some of us to become a "trustworthy" source to Verify entries. Our accuracy can easily be tracked based on reports from others reporting it. Additionally any type of incentives could be given.. scaling discounts based on the amount of work we put it, Or simply flat out yearly sub once we reached and maintain a certain level of making the database more accurate.
Or reporting could be more instance, or provide the ability at some point for us to merely make adjustments and refine the entries.
Seems it would make the database so much better and alleviate time for you all to do other things hat are being sought after.
I'm just someone who likes the program and want to see it improved - I'm willing to help -
15 Sep, '21
Felix Kern Admin"Verified Entries" (suggested by Henry on 2021-09-14), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
15 Sep, '21
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin"Sync your app with Nutrition Facts" (suggested by Pavel on 2021-06-29), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.