Allow servings to be added in grams as default when adding food
It would be easier if I could add a default serving size in grams as opposed to converting and saying (.3 or .25 oz etc...). I add my food in grams for more granular control and measuring so this change would really help with accurate serving sizes and tracking.
Comments: 2
18 Mar, '22
Reagan MergedI appreciate the constant improvements of the app but not all food have 100g/100mL and now it's getting harder to create new entries with that issue. It takes a lot of time to convert a 60g to a 100g entry. Please bring the old feature back
01 Apr, '22
Nina Admin"Change the "Create Food" function's flexibility for serving sizes" (suggested by Reagan on 2022-03-18), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.