Sync water intake with Samsung Health
It's very disappointing that water intake is not synced from Samsung Health to Yazio and vice versa. I have to enter water into both apps every time.
Comments: 8
03 Nov, '19
Martinalso body fat, coffeine intake, heart pressure would be nice
1 -
23 Oct, '20
KD DurosholaI couldn't agree more. More often than not I forget to fill in my water ontake in Yazio due to the fact I enter it into another Samsung compatible app
04 Aug, '21
Suma WijsbeekI have a Samsung galaxy watch with Samsung health account. If I keep track of my water drinking on my watch, it will not automatically appear in your app. I have linked everything and it also works because he keeps track of the steps via the app. How can I synchronize the water intake automatically
24 Aug, '21
Greg WSyncing water intake from Samsung Health would be a welcome addition
17 Apr, '23
BinhSync the body composition for Watch4 and up, too.
08 Jul, '23
JaniFirst of all, I have connected my Samsung health app on my phone, but doesn't always update steps or water into the yazio app let alone any other information. Secondly, I use a tablet to view and record food intake because of the larger screen for yazio but Samsung health isn't compatible with my tablet. Synchronization is possible so far by manually entering data. I wish there was a better way.
05 Dec, '23
Micael AnderssonI register ALL nutrition and water in Yazio but water not synking to Samsung health. Just changed from Lifesum who worked as it should.
02 Jan, '24
Lee ApeiraSuch a surprising oversight that two way sync has not been added. As if we would want to double up recording our water intake. Way too much admin. Other apps do this.