Display macro's for the current week aside displaying the macro's for the day
It would be cool that aside displaying the macro's for the day, the total macro's for the current week would be shown as well, to help making better choices. When seeing eated a bit less protein and more fat for example, could choose something to eat with lots of protein instead to try staying in the recommended macro's for the week. Or choosing to eat a bit more of carbs, or less of fat.. and can help making the best food choices in the longer run.
Comments: 4
09 Nov, '19
MaxTotal kcal of the Current week (and trends during months and years) as well as past ones would be SOO appreciated!
20 Nov, '20
PiotrAs said above, total kcal of the current week will help us to offset occasional large meals :)
07 Oct, '21
FrancescoYes please, this is so important
10 Feb, '23
LoriusHola Sería bueno que se pudieran ver cada día lis macros consumidos y los pendientes de consumir según preferencias. Además también sería genial que tuvierais la opción de dieta Cetogénica.