Show calories for each ingredient in recipe
It would be very helpful to see how many calories is in each ingredient in recipe
Comments: 2
27 May, '22
Maxved Mergedrecipes are lacking very important feature. When app shows list of products it should also contain callories of each product. This way it wouldn’t over or undercount callories per recipe, which may vary greatly. I often find recipes that shows a product like chorizo or sour cream and that’s it, but often those(and other) products in shops have different amounts of calories(especially sour cream). I feel like this would really change the game for this app. Otherwise I still have to just have to track every product separately and put it in the app one by one, which has huge impact on using those recipes straight away.
10 Jun, '22
Nina Admin"Show callories of each product in Recipes" (suggested by Maxved on 2022-05-27), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.