Eating around the calorie goal being "in the green zone" instead of red from just 1 too many calorie

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I really like to make my daily diary not become red - It makes it seem like I did very bad even if going just 2 calories over goal. Natural fluctuations are normal - some days you eat 100-200 calories more and some days you eat 100-200 calories less than the goal. When aiming to maintain weight it would seem like a good idea to make this area, maybe even 300 calories, on both sides of the goal in the green zone and the rest (both more than 300 calories above, AND more than 300 calories LESS than the goal) in the red zone. This way it feels discouraging to be too far under the daily calorie goal, while also normalizing/making-okay to go a little over the daily calorie goal due to normal fluctuations.
Maybe the red/green zone could move throughout the day, as to not encourage overeating for breakfast, if the diary is red because it is still early in the day. If you only eat breakfast however the diary turns red at some point throughout the day.

Done Suggested by: Anonymous Upvoted: 22 Aug, '22 Comments: 0

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