3rd Party: Add VeryFitPro.
Comments: 6
02 Dec, '20
Liliana del Valle Cova PalaciosSync with Veryfitpro
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10 Mar, '21
NoemieYes synchro with veryfitpro . Because with fit it's impossible with my trackers
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20 Apr, '21
Jasmine MergedI have a off brand fit bit and it uses an app called veryfitpro so I can't link my steps with that app and I don't plan to get a new watch anytime soon
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25 Jun, '21
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin"Put more step tracking apps" (suggested by Jasmine on 2021-04-20), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
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24 Jan, '23
AgaVeryFitPro has now changed to VERYfit. I'd like to see this app syncing with Yazio as it is not compatible at present with neither Google Fit or Apple Health.
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03 Apr, '23
Sonja HofmeisterHallo, Ich eprde mich freuen, wenn ihr es möglich macht, dass sich die veryfitpro mit Yasio synchronisiert.
Ich nutze Yasio schon seit mehr als 3 Jahren und wäre echt begeistert, wenn ihr das möglich macht.
LG Sonja 💐