Set measurements as goal instead of weight
I really love this app! It helps me maintain a healthy diet but getting out of an eating disorder it can be really frustrating to only have the option to set a goal weight. I stopped weighing myself because it had and probably still has such a negative impact on me whereas measuring my hips , waist, chest and so on feels good and doesn’t pressure me as much. It would be lovely that if your goals are not in weight but inch loss that it’s made possible to set your goals for you needs
Best wishes to everyone 💕
Comments: 7
20 May, '20
Pira MergedMost apps just aim to get you to a desired body weight it would be nice if yazio was different and offered the goal of getting to a specific body composition e.g muscle mass. Body fat percentage tallying up to overall weight.
18 Jun, '20
Mariann M. Admin"Support body composition goals" (suggested by Pira on 2020-05-20), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
18 Nov, '20
Leonor ArancibiaI would also love for them to expand the Goals sector, for the application to not only focus on “Weight Goal” but also on “Body Measurement Goal” and / or “Body Fat% Goals”. I know that for premium users one can add this data, but there is a lot of difference between adding it as extra data to your profile, than having it as a goal in the application.
18 Nov, '20
Leonor Arancibia MergedHave the option of being able to choose our objective. It can be.. Main goal: change body measurements, change percentage of fat / muscle, change weight, etc.
As a Pro user, I can add this data but I cannot choose this data as targets. -
22 Nov, '20
Wiets MergedI would love to be able to change the weight on your dashboard to a body measurement. Or to add more tracking blocks like weight but then for the measurements.
16 Sep, '21
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin"Expand goals not just by weight (Im pro user and i can not do this)" (suggested by Leonor Arancibia on 2020-11-18), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Sep, '21
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin"Measurements on dashboard" (suggested by Wiets on 2020-11-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.