Option to disable confirmation screen

58 votes

The latest update added another feature (?) to the Yazio app: a confirmation screen once I am done logging my foods, which provides a (second) quick overview of the data I just entered, including (for some unknown reason) the time it took me to log the meal. Right now, my user experience thus looks like this:

[Log food] > [Click "Continue" on Summary Screen] > [Confirm streaks] (once a day) > [Confirm streak freeze (randomly) > [Click "Continue" on logging time screen]

Kindly reconsider this "feature". There is already a parallel discussion about the whole streak functionality, with 120+ votes currently; I do not believe the user experience needs to be deteriorated any further by adding further superfluous steps to the logging process. I know I take already much time logging my food items, and I personally do not feel the process should be complicated any further.


Under consideration Diary Suggested by: Gergely Upvoted: 09 Dec Comments: 3

Comments: 3