Change/add the Color in the diary
it would be nice to be able to have more customizable color in the recap calendar
Orange :too few calories
(define a minimun percentage to consume of your basic quota (mpb))
Green: nomber of calories respecting the base calories quota.(mpb) Like what is there now.
Purple: number of calories in the quota reached with consumption of calories burned.
Red: threshold of all calories exceeded.
Comments: 12
22 Nov, '20
Geo MergedIt would be nice to add more colors depending on how far you are from or closer to your daily kcal goal. For example, exceeding 100kcal in my case is not so bad and, instead of red, it could have an orange color. Thus, in sight, days are not classified as bad simply because of a little excess. And this favors the mood and is more precise and realistic.
(A range of 5 colors at least) -
26 Feb, '21
Liz MergedThe binary colour code indicating daily success in calorie intake (green = successful according to the individually set goal; red = too much) is not sufficient. There needs to be a wider spectrum, because if you eat too little, the APP still shows the green reward colour, which makes eating smaller amounts of food desirable. This can be really unhealthy and a trigger for disorderedeEating and eating disorders. Accordingly, it would make sense to display a yellow/orange colour as long as you have not eaten enough calories to counteract this negative reward mechanism.
As long as the colour code binary indicates that eating too much is bad and eating too little is good, the focus is always on the strong fear of gaining weight rather than losing too much weight in an unhealthy way, which can lead not only to yo-yo effects but also perhaps to disordered eating behaviors. So the APP needs to have a better focus on the balance between eating enough but not too much. -
03 Mar, '21
Veerle Hendrickx MergedIf i exceed my calorie goal by 30 or by 300 the color is red. It would be nice if you could define colors yourself. Like if exceed by 2-5% yellow if more then 5%-10% orange, if more red...
26 Aug, '21
Felix Kern Admin"Change/expand the colour code for the daily calorie intake" (suggested by Liz on 2021-02-26), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
26 Aug, '21
Felix Kern Admin"Calorie goal: settings for colors" (suggested by Veerle Hendrickx on 2021-03-03), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
16 Sep, '21
Mr. Hakkarainen Admin"MORE COLORS" (suggested by Geo on 2020-11-22), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
23 Jan, '22
Andrea MergedRight now there is only green, when you met your calorie target, and red if you missed your calorie target. However if I am I.e. trying to lose weight and exceeded my calorie target, but stayed below maintenance calories, I will still lose weight, just at a slower pace. Same for gaining weight. Hence the suggestion to add yellow as a color code whenever calorie intake did not go against the respective goal (I.e. exceed maintenance calories for weight loss, below maintenance calories for muscle gain).
31 Jan, '22
Nina Admin"Add additional color coding in the monthly overview" (suggested by Andrea on 2022-01-23), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
25 Apr, '22
Nagy Amina MergedAdd minimum calories that are still healthy and you don't starve yourself like you have the maximum. We should have a notification if we didn't eat enough each day.
29 Apr, '22
Nina Admin"Add minimum calories what you should eat" (suggested by Nagy Amina on 2022-04-25), including upvotes (1) and comments (0), was merged into this suggestion.
12 Jun, '23
WiaI would like to see a margin of 5% above and 5% below your set calories. If you stay within that margin, your calories eaten should turn green. If you eat too little or too much, that number should turn red. That way you stimulate to get close to your set calories. As the app is now, the colors suggest that it's better to eat as little as possible.
29 Feb, '24
DaliaI was going to ask the same thing!!! add color please!